
Showing posts from January, 2023

I wrote a beautiful poem today.......

  In the little free time I get, I like to adjust my thoughts into words in a beautiful and different way. I tried to write a pome like that today😊. Flower blossomed on a branch-end It belongs to the tree?, whome would? By the fragrance mixed with the wind  only for the bee who seekd it  By the road-end shaded with a shrub Accompanied with lonelyness Become familiar, watch blossomed bud will it be permitted or not

I cleaned my garden in the evening

  After I came home from the campus, I felt that our garden was not clean. I wanted to keep it more beautiful. I decided to clean the garden at my free time. I started it at the evening and both my little sisters helped me very much. First I took a knife and cut the overgrown branches. My little sisters pruned the fence while I was weeding the garden. we made the dirty flower beds neatly. Garbage heaps were thrown into the garbage pit. We collected polythene and tins and prepared them to give to the garbage truck. After the two hours we finished our work. Our garden looked very neatly and beautifully. Our parents admired our work😊. we were very happy because we did a good work. It was a beautiful and unforgettable evening💗.

My mom is my world

  When I think about my mother , I always remember her smiling face in any situation. She is a homemaher  who manages all the family needs. She is a very social and loving lady💗. She takes care of all my family members and works very hard. She cooks delicious foods for all of us . Which I love to eat😊. She is a spiritual lady and I learned a lot about spirituality from her. She encourages me whenever I feel nervous and teaches me the right path to become a successful human. She helps me in my every things. So, she is my first teacher. My mother is the only person who gives me everything without expecting any thing. I love her forever💖.

My lovely pet dog.

  My pet dog is my best friend in the whole world💗.He is one years old and black coloured. My pet dog shows unconditional love and loyalty towards me and my family. He is an important member of a family and not just a pet. I have learned how to be happy and joyful in life from my Roxy. He guards our house against thieves and unwanted people. He is very humble and child friendly dog. He chases all the stray dogs that tend to enter our house. He favourite food is boiled fish and the smell of it makes his crazy. I love my pet dog forever💕.

First day of University life.

  The first day of university life was a sweet experience for me. I was very scared and happy inside😊.Everything felt strange. because it was new experience. I got to know many new friends that day. As well as I got to know their own excellent faculty. We were warmly welcomed that day💗. New surroundings, new buildings and new friends made me very happy. Along with all this, I felt proud to be a university student now. That day we all fell in love like a family💕. That day was an unforgettable day in my life😊.

Free time.......

Everyone likes to relax. Relax is an essential thing for a human being. so, I always try to spend my leisure time in a meaningful way. I am a happy person😊. Therefore, I like to do things that make me happy. These days I am tempted to read books. I love to read books and it gives me great pleasure💖. As well as, I don't forget to watch a nice movie. I watched a lovely movie today. In my free time I also listen to music. Because music is my favorite thing in my life💓. With all these things the day becomes very beautiful. Anyone who works hard likes time off. So, I like to suggest everyone to spend year free time vacation productively😊💖.

Hostel life

Hostel life is wonderful experience 💗.I am now experiencing hostel life which I have never experienced before. It's an unfamiliar environment, but it's a lot of fun😊👌 .Some days I don't realize how time pass. I have met some very friendly friends and we spend time together 👭.Always, we study together, prepare food and, make tea. It's very enjoyable.  Actually, we are like a family. we share all joy and sorrows together💝 .On one hand hostel life is very harsh. My friend and I are still adjusting to the hostel life. However , I love that hostel life very much.

A cake for evening

On the day I came home from campus. I made a chocolate cake to make everyone happy. I started making the cake around four in the afternoon. I had already prepared necessary things to make the cake😋.                                                  First I beat eggs, then I added flour to it and mixed it well. Then added a little vanilla to taste. Then I put the cake in to the oven to bake and left it for half an hour. The cake had baked and I took it out of the oven and let it cool down for a while. It was tea time the cake tasted good😋. My sisters helped me a lot to make the cake.                                                                                                                                   Everyone said that it was delicious😊. I bestoved some pieces of cakes to the ones how are working at our supermarket and they also were very happy about the cake. I was very happy because everyone were happy. It was really a beautiful evening😊.