A cake for evening

On the day I came home from campus. I made a chocolate cake to make everyone happy. I started making the cake around four in the afternoon. I had already prepared necessary things to make the cake😋.

                                                 First I beat eggs, then I added flour to it and mixed it well. Then added a little vanilla to taste. Then I put the cake in to the oven to bake and left it for half an hour. The cake had baked and I took it out of the oven and let it cool down for a while. It was tea time the cake tasted good😋. My sisters helped me a lot to make the cake.                                                                               

                                                   Everyone said that it was delicious😊. I bestoved some pieces of cakes to the ones how are working at our supermarket and they also were very happy about the cake. I was very happy because everyone were happy. It was really a beautiful evening😊.



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